Below is a list of websites that we have found useful in the past. Just click on the links below
to take a look.....
Your one stop sea fishing website every thing you could possibly want to know. World sea fishing
is excellent packed with infomation on all aspects of sea angling. The forums are also excellent providing information
on fishing marks and hotspots nationwide aswell as localy.
Great website for all the latest information on the weather and tide times, perfect for planning
your trip fishing.
Welsh Danglers
World Sea Fishing members site, great pictures and reports on there fishing exploits around the South
Wales coastline.
Great website with some good info on marks in and around the swansea area. Excellent resource for
tackle and bait tips.
Great website packed with helpful hints and tips
Home of the Welsh Federation of Sea Anglers
Good website with information on places to stay in and around some of wales top fishing venues.
Good diary based website with some excellent photographs, telling
of WSF member steffynecks fishing exploits.